a few sprigs是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

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a few sprigs是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

#a few sprigs是什么意思、发音和在线翻译| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

a few sprigs 双语例句

1. a few sprigs的解释

1. Sprigs of mint, red coils of lotus root and bundles of knotted cabbage change hands for a few rupees, tossed from one boatman`s lap to another.    薄荷叶,红藕圈,卷菜捆,卖了几个卢比,菜便从一个船家身上抛到另一个船家身上。

2. Sprigs of mint, red coils of lotus root and bundles of knotted cabbage change hands for a few rupees, tossed from one boatman's lap to another.    薄荷叶,红藕圈,卷菜捆,卖了几个卢比,菜便从一个船家身上抛到另一个船家身上。

3. There were freesias, white roses, tiny side-sprigs of blue delphinium, pinks, pansies, lilies of the valley: flowers in season and flowers out of season, the kind of flowers it would be easy enough to pick in a garden like Winterscombe`s, the kind of flowers that could be obtained, in New York, from very few florists.    这些花当中有苍兰、白玫瑰、蓝色翠雀花的小边枝、石竹花、紫罗兰、山谷百合:有当季的花也有过季的花,有在花园(如:Winterscombe的花园)当中就能轻易采到的花也有只能在纽约非常少数的花店才能买到的花。

4. But by 1745, an early Georgian parlour is decorated with only a garland and a few sprigs of evergreen.    圣诞是对温暖和快乐的庆祝而到了1745年,早期乔治时代的前厅仅用花环和一些常青树枝装饰。

5. A few sprigs can be added to oils and vinegars to flavor the products which add a nice taste for cooking.    有几个开可以添加到油和醋,以风味的产品添加一个不错的口味烹调。

6. a few sprigs

6. Brush them with olive oil, toss a few sprigs of rosemary onto a hot grill, and grill them.    给它们刷上橄榄油,撒上一些迷迭香,把它们放在热烤架上烤。

7. When your favorite garlic-laden pasta dish or onion-topped burger arrives with a few sprigs of parsley on the side, consider it a hint, not just a colorful trim.    当你最喜欢的蒜末通心粉或带有洋葱的汉堡到来的时候,旁边通常会有一些点缀的香菜,这不仅仅是一个丰富多彩的装饰,不仅仅是点缀,更是一种提醒。

8. Sometimes the deception serves as camouflage, allowing its bearer to elude detection by predators, prey, or quite often both: In Panama I found a mantid that looked like a few sprigs of radicchio, the perfect cloaking device for a stealth hunter of leaf-eating insects that is itself much coveted by insectivorous reptiles and birds.    有时,伪装术是一件隐身衣,穿上它可以不被掠食者或者猎物发现:在巴拿马我发现一种长得很像菊苣枝叶的螳螂,无论是对自己垂涎欲滴、酷爱捕食昆虫的爬行动物和鸟类,还是作为悄无声息的食叶类昆虫杀手而言——这身着装都堪称完美。

a few sprigs 单语例句a few sprigs

1. I decided a few sprigs might just pep up the cherry jam, which is sweet but not exactly aromatic.

2. Pick the leaves off a few sprigs of fresh basil and scatter them over the salad.





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